Ho tribals lose hold of Saranda as mining is set to take over the pristine sal forest. A report and photographs by
Sayantan Bera
A gateway to Saranda turns red corridor, courtesy iron ore dust (Photos: Sayantan Bera)If only this were a mere coincidence. Last year the Centre intensified
its combing operation to flush out Maoists from the dense Saranda
forests of Jharkhand. By August, following Operation Anaconda, it
claimed to have “sanitised” the forests of insurgents. In October the
Union Ministry of Rural Development announced a whopping Rs 263 crore
development package for 36,000 tribals who traditionally inhabit the
forest. Earlier in February, the Centre had renewed and expanded the
lease of the Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) to mine iron ore in the
forest. The public sector unit is the only company mining inside the
forest. Nineteen more projects to mine iron ore in the heart of Saranda
are in different phases of approval.
Activists working with the forest dwellers doubt the intention of the
government. “The Rs 263 crore Saranda Development Plan, piggybacking on
the anti-naxal operation has a clear mining interest,” says Gladson
Dungdung of Jharkhand Human Rights Movement (JHRM) and member of the
Assessment and Monitoring Authority of the Planning Commission.
“Villages situated next to the proposed mining projects saw fake
encounters and rape cases during the anti-Naxal drive. While the
government is yet to settle the land titles of the tribals under the
Forest Rights Act of 2006, the security forces burnt down whatever land
records they had.”
Spread over 80,000 hectares in West Singhbhum district, Saranda is
the largest sal forest in Asia. It also stands atop one of the world’s
largest single deposit of iron ore—over 2,000 million tonnes. At least
36,000 Ho tribals live inside the forest. Most of them collect minor
forest produce like sal leaves and seeds to earn a living or are small
While announcing the Saranda Development Plan as a model for other
Maoist-affected areas, Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh
had said, “more mining means more Maoism,” arguing for no private mining
in the forests.
But Dungdung’s argument is not unfounded. A copy of Saranda
Development Plan, which Down To Earth obtained from the forest
department, shows 62 per cent of the Rs 263 crore package will be spent
on infrastructure development like roads and offices alone. The
government has relaxed the restriction to have only unpaved roads inside
reserve forests. A network of 130 km of cement-concrete roads will be
laid at an expense of Rs 104 crore. The network will be later extended
to 250 km. Sushil Barla, district general secretary of the Congress and
member of JHRM, says, the Rs 80-lakh-per-km roads are not meant for
forest dwellers or department officials to deliver the development
programme. One cannot justify such high costs if not for almost a metre
deep cement concrete roads required to transport iron ore. Trucks
carrying the ore weigh up to 30 tonnes and require heavy duty roads.
The next major chunk of the package is for integrated development
centers (IDCs)—prefabricated structures to house civil and forest
officials who will administer the package. IDCs will be a
one-stop-development shop that will provide subsidised ration under the
public distribution scheme, generate employment under the Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, and have health centres,
forest offices, banks, anganwadi, retail stores, mobile towers and even
photo studios. The cost for constructing an IDC is Rs 6 crore. The plan
is to set up 10 IDCs to cater to all the 56 Saranda villages.
These leave Rs 99 crore for development works like providing housing
facilities for people below poverty line, clean drinking water and
sanitation, watershed projects, installing handpumps, solar lanterns and
setting up schools.
Xavier Dias, activist and writer who has worked with mine workers of
Jharkhand for three decades, says the plan is a two-pronged strategy.
“The package, which will receive funds from industries through their
corporate social responsibility, will help garner acceptance from the
forest dwellers on opening up of new mining areas. Simultaneously, it
will deny Maoists the safe refuge of dense forests as it will be cleared
for mining, roads and ancillary development.”
For Maoists, it was a safe haven
Located at the trijunction of Jharkhand, Odisha and Chhattisgarh,
Saranda is strategically crucial for Maoists. By the government’s own
reckoning, Saranda is the headquarters of the Maoists’ eastern regional
bureau. Strategically, it comes next to the Dandakaranya forests of
Chhattisgarh, which the Maoists have declared the liberated zone. The
forests are also the prime revenue earner for the banned organisation.
Dungdung says Maoists earn at least Rs 500 crore per year from Saranda
by imposing levies on mining companies. Some offer them protection money
to do business in a Maoist bastion, while those mining illegally beyond
their lease area pay hefty sums. In 2007-08, Rungta Mines and Usha
Martin reportedly paid Rs 25 lakh each to Maoists. Months after the
combing operation, the paramilitary forces in March discovered opium
fields inside Saranda as another source of their income.
Bulletin of mining leases and prospecting licences, 2010, Indian Bureau
of Mines; PIB Release: Permission for mining activities on September 5,
2011; Minutes of the Inter ministerial meeting on December 20, 2010 in
Ministry of Steel; Proceedings of the Forest Advisory Committee meeting
on February 11, 2011; Status of MoUs Signed for Mega Investment,
published by the government of Jharkhand
Besides, in and around Saranda are doco areas where iron ore can be
illegally obtained from river beds and fields. Four people can gather as
much as 12 tonnes of ore within three hours, which can be transported
to crushers dotting the 140 km road from Rourkela to Barbil in Odisha,
running almost parallel to Saranda. The crushers then sell it to legal
mines. Maoists collect a share of the booty and detonators from them.
Government eyes untapped minerals
According to the Indian Bureau of Mines’ 2010 report, West Singhbhum
is the most mined district in Jharkhand, and accounts for almost the
entire share of iron ore mined in the state. Already 44 mining leases
for iron ore are operational covering an area of 12,374 ha. At present,
most mining activity, except in SAIL’s Chiria mine, is concentrated on
the periphery of Saranda. Once the 19 mining projects, which are in
different stages of approval, are given the go-ahead, an additional
11,000 ha, or more than one-seventh of the Saranda, will be opened up
for mining (
see: map and
Besides, the government is setting up 21 paramilitary camps across the
forest, 17 of which have received forest clearance. Add to these the
concrete roads, IDCs and ancillary developments for mining.
There is no assessment of the gross impact of these developments on Saranda and its dwellers.

“It’s genocide of the adivasis,” says Dias. Saranda is to eastern
India what the Amazon rainforests are to the world. Its springs feed
rivers like the Karo, the Baitarani and the Sanjay that flow through
Odisha. With mining these perennial streams are dying. Wastewater from
washaries of iron ore mines on the periphery have already contaminated
the groundwater aquifers. Mine workers and residents in the periphery of
Saranda are dying due to liver diseases caused by contaminated
groundwater, while companies blame it on alcoholism. The average life
expectancy has plummeted to 45 years in Noamundi where the Tata Iron and
Steel Company Ltd operates its mines, Dias adds.
Since announcing the Saranda Development Plan, Union rural development
minister Jairam Ramesh visited the forest twice to oversee its
implementation. On December 2, he visited Chotanagra village, one of the
gateways to the interiors of Saranda, with truckloads of
goodies—bicycles, transistor radios and solar lanterns. “Some of them
were distributed and the rest remains locked in the block office,” says
Bhimsen Gop, the village postmaster. “Those who got the cycles spent Rs
200 to fix the missing parts. But that is not an issue. The problem is
we are never heard by the government or mining companies. What use are
development programme or CSR freebies when our land is turning barren
and perennial streams are drying up?” he asks.
Three companies have been allowed to mine Kudliba hills deep inside Saranda
A visit to Dhobil reveals Gop’s concerns. Dhobil is located next to
SAIL’s Chiria mine, one of the country’s oldest iron ore mines operating
since 1936, and has borne the maximum brunt of mining. Extending from
Chotanagra to Dhobil, Chiria covers almost 3 per cent of Saranda. Every
monsoon, the sludge and mining waste flows into the agricultural fields,
covering it with red mud. Residents say more than 25 ha in the village
are lying barren. One perennial stream has dried up on a five-kilometre stretch. During monsoon it carries water laden with iron ore. The
public hearing for expanding the lease area of SAIL was done in Chiria
village, some 15 km from Dhobil.
The public hearing for ArcelorMittal’s proposed mining project in
Karampada forest was held 22 km away in Kiriburu village. So did the
hearings for Rungta Mines and Electrosteel Castings. They successfully
held their public hearings in Chotanagra, some 30 km from Ushariya
village. The village in the heart of Saranda will be directly affected
by the mining of Kudliba hills. Jaunga Banda, a part time labourer at
Chiria mine was among the few from from Ushariya who took the pain of
attending the public hearing. “I could not comprehend what was going on.
I just hope that they leave some forests for our graves,” he says.
SAIL offered woollen clothes to children in Dhobil after the expansion of its mine lease;
Among the Ho it is customary to give burials in a corner of the
village under the shade of trees. Traditionally, sasandiris (burial
stones) are their land titles. None of the villages surrounding the
proposed mines will be displaced but the forests will disappear.
Analysts say the mining leases inside Saranda are in violation of the
Fifth Schedule of the Indian Constitution that protects the rights of
tribals like the Ho. The Fifth Schedule requires the government to
consult and seek the advice of Tribal Advisory Council (TAC) on matters
of general welfare and transfer of land, says Stan Swamy of the civil
society group Bagaicha. But the government never sought the advice of
SAIL’s mine has dried up the perennial stream in Dhobil
Likewise, under the Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Area’s Act
(PESA) of 1996, it should have consulted the gram sabha before granting
mining leases. But the state government is yet to implement PESA. So
far the argument given by the Jharkhand government was that the state
did not hold panchayat elections and therefore the Act is not
applicable. But the excuse does not hold anymore after the state had
its first panchayat elections in 2011, Swamy adds. Devendra Nath
Champia, member the state legislative assembly for two decades, a Ho
himself, says time is ripe to implement the 1997 Samata Judgement of the
Supreme Court, whereby transfer of tribal land to corporations without
the consent of the community is deemed null and void.
Who quelled their voice?
The Ho are known for their historic struggles. Following their revolt
against the British occupation of their territory, in 1836-37, the
British formed the Kolhan estate, now covering the expanse in and around
Saranda, and recognised their customary community rights to the
forests, rivers, hills and cultivable land. They recognised the
traditional Munda-Manki system of the village headman who has policing
powers and rights to settle land disputes. In the late 19th century,
the Ho joined the struggle led by Birsa Munda against the feudal
agrarian system promoted by the British.
Sanjay Basu Mallick, forest rights activist and historian, says in
1978 the Ho fought the forest department as it replaced vast swathes of
sal forests with commercial teak plantation and to restore their
customary rights to minor forest produce. In 1981 they pleaded before
the Commonwealth for complete autonomy from the Indian government. They
even resisted for long the panchayat elections arguing their traditional
system of governance is superior.
But today, an eerie silence hangs over these villages. To protest would be at the risk of being called a Maoist.